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Nine Dots Backstage Livestream on October 16th!


Since we started streaming again at the end of August with GoD Factory: Wingmen we’ve been toying with the idea of giving you a look inside the box.

That’s why we’re bringing you Backstage on October 16th for a Livestream on Twitch (follow us to be notified when we start) hosted by our CEO and Creative Director Guillaume Boucher-Vidal.

Livestreams are the best way to connect and it matches two things that we love : 

  • We love efficiency: There is no way we’ll divert production to create polished assets for a stream so … It’s going to be raw, it’s going to be buggy and it’s going to be real.
  • We love engaging with you: We don’t want to have specific timing, talking points, topics to avoid, and a run of the show. Make the stream yours by asking your questions!

5 reasons to show up:

  • Exclusive look on two Outward 2 regions. – All 454,239 of you who’ve been asking for updates on ALL our Twitter posts are awaited during the stream ;).
  • Behind-the-scenes content. Concepts arts, characters in gray boxes, work-in-progress regions, and more. 
  • Discover more about Witherbloom with Mitchell Lagran, Creative Director and CEO of Ever Curious.
  • Learn about the 7 design pillars behind our publishing philosophy.
  • Meet and chat with other fans and the team.

2 bonus reasons if you need more:

  • Guillaume will wear a nice shirt, as he always does for our streams!
  • The “infamous” weird-looking crooked windows from the opposite side of the street will also be there.


Give your desktop wallpaper a new look with this 4K Wallpaper for Outward 2 featuring the Gilded Mountain region’s vibrant red trees… Much like our home in Quebec during Indian summer. [DOWNLOAD HERE]

What you will see might not make it into the final game!

Nine Dots Team