Nine Dots Backstage #1 – October 16th – Recap

Image of a Lanyard showing the Nine Dots Backstage date October 16th. Title Nine Dots Backstage Recap

Hello everyone,

Thanks a lot for attending the first Nine Dots Backstage livestream! In case you could not make it, the VOD is available here.

For those of you that would rather read a quick recap, keep scrolling!

GoD Factory : Wingmen : 

A new beginner-friendly mod is out thanks to our amazing and hard-working community. Read more here.

The game is currently 50% off until October 23rd!

Nine Dots Publishing:

We want to bring our knowledge as game developers to how we do business  and try to be a better publisher than the ones we had to work with.

Our publishing philosophy stands on 7 pillars.  See what makes a Nine Dots game a Nine Dots game here:  Nine Dots Signature.

If you feel your game could fit the Nine Dots signature you can send us your pitch at


We received Mitch, founder of Ever Curious, who presented the vision behind Witherbloom and its rich lore.

Find all the Witherbloom concept art that was shown here.

We also had a live demo in-engine! To see some gameplay in its current state, click here.

To stay in the loop and be in touch with the Witherbloom community and devs, join the Official Discord server here!


Doubling down on our ambition

Following the first playtest, we’ve seen contradicting signals.

  • Some players spent hundreds of hours in the playtest, understanding that mastery takes time, and had fun.
  • Many players registered to playtest but never participated.
  • Others started the playtest but dropped off quickly due to balancing issues and the lack of a player’s goal.

So in its current shape, the game is not resonating with a lot of the players we’re trying to reach.

While the majority of studios would have canceled the game we see this as a necessity to make Lost In Prayer better.

We know we’ll need more time to achieve it. So we decided to cancel the second playtest to transform the game radically.


Before we shared some exciting gameplay, we shared how we make stuff in Outward. It starts with inspirations, greyboxes, colorful pieces of concept art and then we decide on a final iteration.

Torchmoose concept art Thumbnail example

You can find the concept art we shared yesterday here.

We also showed comparison of what the Outward world looks like in Unity vs. what we can now achieve in Unreal, after we switched engine.

Then, we went to the amazing “DEV GYM” in Outward 2. A convenient place where we can showcase all equipment and enemies in the game so far to try-out builds and flex our muscles. Every modder’s wet dream.

If you got any questions, join us on our Discord server.

Thank you for your support,

The Nine Dots team


Nine Dots Backstage Livestream on October 16th!


Since we started streaming again at the end of August with GoD Factory: Wingmen we’ve been toying with the idea of giving you a look inside the box.

That’s why we’re bringing you Backstage on October 16th for a Livestream on Twitch (follow us to be notified when we start) hosted by our CEO and Creative Director Guillaume Boucher-Vidal.

Livestreams are the best way to connect and it matches two things that we love : 

  • We love efficiency: There is no way we’ll divert production to create polished assets for a stream so … It’s going to be raw, it’s going to be buggy and it’s going to be real.
  • We love engaging with you: We don’t want to have specific timing, talking points, topics to avoid, and a run of the show. Make the stream yours by asking your questions!

5 reasons to show up:

  • Exclusive look on two Outward 2 regions. – All 454,239 of you who’ve been asking for updates on ALL our Twitter posts are awaited during the stream ;).
  • Behind-the-scenes content. Concepts arts, characters in gray boxes, work-in-progress regions, and more. 
  • Discover more about Witherbloom with Mitchell Lagran, Creative Director and CEO of Ever Curious.
  • Learn about the 7 design pillars behind our publishing philosophy.
  • Meet and chat with other fans and the team.

2 bonus reasons if you need more:

  • Guillaume will wear a nice shirt, as he always does for our streams!
  • The “infamous” weird-looking crooked windows from the opposite side of the street will also be there.


Give your desktop wallpaper a new look with this 4K Wallpaper for Outward 2 featuring the Gilded Mountain region’s vibrant red trees… Much like our home in Quebec during Indian summer. [DOWNLOAD HERE]

What you will see might not make it into the final game!

Nine Dots Team